Friday, November 11, 2011

Christmas Activity

Dinner, Program and Service Project

Date: December 8th
Time: 7pm
Location: TBA

*We invite everyone to come and enjoy some time together while serving others.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Sunday, October 09, 2011


The Bishop is asking for families to volunteer to help locate and gather information about different brothers and sisters in our boundaries. Please let the Bishop know if you would like to help in this effort. My little family has already done so and now we are hoping to help gather "His sheep". 

Books are in!!!

Alright Sisters the books Daughters in my Kingdom are in!!! Woohoo! I'll show up early Sunday to pass them out...don't forget to take one for those that you visit teach. Especially if they usually can't make it to church. 

Monday, October 03, 2011


Hi everyone,
Please remember to bring money and order to church on Sunday and give it to MB. I'll be in Michigan for a few days, but will need to order while I'm there so we'll be sure to get the vinyl. MB will email me your orders.
I have a clarification on the words for the nativity vinyl with the wisemen. It says "Wise Men Still Seek Him."

Sunday, October 02, 2011

Pasta and Books

For some the most perfect combination EVER!!! If you are interested the book/recipe club will be meeting again on October 4th, 11:30am. Recipes are exchanged and tasted and NO exams are given. :)

Comment if you would like to come. :)  

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Super Saturday Crafts

Pictured Finished Product: Mary, Joseph, Baby and Glass block with hole
8 inch Nativity (Vinyl only)
specify a color, I'll call you if it's not an option
$4.00 Mary, Joseph, Baby
$4.00 Three Wisemen
$5.00 Three Wisemen with words (Wisemen will seek Him)
$4.00 Shepherds 

Pictured Finished Product: Glass Block with Hole and I love to see the Temple Vinyl
I Love to See the Temple (Vinyl only)
Salt Lake, Nauvoo, San Diego, St. George … several others available.  See
specify a color, I'll call you if it's not an option
       $8.00 Medium 8X8
       $11.00 Large12X12

Glass blocks with hole for lights*

Pictured Finished Product: Give Thanks Vinyl and Previously Purchased Tile
Give Thanks (Vinyl Only)
specify a color, I'll call you if it's not an option
        $4.00 Small 4X4
        $6.00 Medium 8X8
        $8.00 Large 12X12

Pictured Finished Product: 3 Stackable blocks (wood) and Vinyl
3 Stackable blocks (wood)
black, white, beige, chocolate brown       

Vinyl Only for 3 stackable blocks
black, white, beige, chocolate brown      
word options
Love    come grow old with me the best is yet to be
Family    we live, we laugh, we play, we love
Welcome    bless this home and all that enter
Home    is where your story begins
Brothers    thank heaven for little boys
Sisters    make the best of friends

Pictured Final Product: Lollipop Turkey, Paint will be provided
Lollipop Turkey

Pictured Final Product: All Seasons Bunny, Fabric, Pattern and Paint will be provided
All Seasons Bunny

Cloth Pumpkins*

Tell Me the Stories of Jesus quiet book*

Popsicle Stick Snowman
Stacked Beads Snowman

S'mores Snowman

Important Announcement 
Please Read!!!

12" Tile
I have 5 12X12 tiles left over from a remodeling project.  I'll give them to the first 5 people that email me with a request.  Otherwise you'll need to get your own tile or something to attach the vinyl to.

For this order I am only offering the 8 inch vinyl for the nativity.  However, there is a sister in our ward who would be willing to cut out 6 inch nativity vinyl for you---if you provide your own vinyl--but you must contact her directly.  Email me for her name and contact info.  

I will be ordering from 2 different websites: and  Check out these websites for info on color choices and other options

I have a source to order glass blocks with a small hole cut out of the bottom, but you can also get 2 sizes of glass blocks from Hobby Lobby.  The 8 inch one was $11.98 and there was a 6 inch one for about $10.00.  If you have a 40% off coupon, you can get these using the discount.

*If you provide your own fabric, the pattern for the pumpkin will be free.  It was on the McCall's website as a free pattern so we won't be guilty of a copyright violation.

If you have a 36 page plastic photo book and would like me to email the "Tell Me the Stories of Jesus" pictures file to you, you can print it yourself and use your own book.

Please make checks payable to SVB (if you don't know her name comment below).



Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Let Our Voices Be Heard

"If we do not make good choices, the media can devastate our families and pull our children away from the narrow gospel path."  ~M Russell Ballard

For those of you who were unable to be in our combined meeting this past Sunday we would like to share with you some counsel given to us by our Bishop and his counselors. 

1.  Read the manual Let Virtue Garnish Thy Thoughts

2.  Review the 

3.  Discuss the information found in the manual and on the website with your spouse 

4.  Discuss the information found in the manual and on the website with your families
  • "The first thing that parents have to realize as they begin having this conversation with their kids is that this is not a one time “talk” that will occur in an evening or at dinner.  Many people that I have talked to have described their experience of having the one time “talk” with their parents.  One young man shared that his father took him on a long walk when he was twelve years old and that when the walk ended he never heard anything about sex or pornography again.  He told me “I was in shock!  My dad talked for 2 hours about things I had never heard of before.”   The result was that the boy took all of the confusing information his father gave him and did two things: 1. He asked his friends about it.  He shared that this confused him more than before because it was clear that many of his friends were as ignorant as he was.  2. He went to the internet and looked things up.  This boys World Wide Web inquiry began innocently enough, but that day it ended in an exposure to pornography that created a hunger that developed into a full fledged addiction.  Periodically having this discussion with your son or daughter provides room for them to sort through confusing information and experiences, and it also ensures that the parent is the person who gives the most accurate, safe information. " Jeffery F Ford, Creating a Safe Place to Talk About Dangerous Things
  • We are charged to safeguard our children

5.  Please Read

Sisters, for those of us who were blessed to be in that room I'm sure that all could testify of the strong spirit that was there, testifying to us that the time to act is now. I am truly grateful for all of the support that we receive through and by the church to help us rear our children in righteousness. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to speak with any of our leaders. Go forward with faith, my sisters.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Daughters in My Kingdom

taken from

Relief Society sisters have a glorious heritage. We pray that this volume will be an important resource for preserving that heritage.

~ The First Presidency

In grateful recognition of the blessing of Relief Society in the lives of Church members, the First Presidency has directed the preparation of Daughters in My Kingdom: The History and Work of Relief Society.
The teachings, stories, and examples in this history book will guide you in establishing priorities and practices in your life that will help increase faith and personal righteousness, strengthen families and homes, and seek out and help those in need.
The history of Relief Society teaches the divine identity and infinite worth of daughters of God. It is a Spirit-filled story of strong, faithful, purposeful women who have served with little public recognition.            
As you study this history you will see that our Heavenly Father knows His daughters, that He loves them, that He trusts them with sacred responsibilities, and that He guides them as they fulfill those responsibilities.
You are encouraged to share the book with others. Church members of all ages may use the book as a reference in lessons, talks, council meetings, and at home.
If you haven't received a Daughters in My Kingdom book do not fear because many sisters are in the same situation. We will be ordering more and hopefully they will be here by October 9th...till then feel free to read a few passages online. 

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Super Saturday

Websites to check out for Super Saturday:

I'll have Michelle post the ordering sheet. That's beyond my posting capabilities. :)

Monday, September 12, 2011

RS Hands on Canning

Reminder that we have an activity scheduled for September 22nd. Sister F will be teaching us how to can. It will be a "hands-on" project. It starts at 7. Please put it on your calendars!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Sacrament Change...

Sunday, September 11, we will be having sacrament meeting only. Sacrament will begin at 1pm and we will be combining with 2 other wards. Carpool if you can but don't come too early because the YSA Conference won't end until 12pm. 

Sunday, September 11, 1pm

Thursday, September 01, 2011

Book Club

Hello Friends! I know you're's me again. :) Just putting it out there that this one sister, the cute one with all boys, who is starting up a book and recipe club again. They meet Tuesdays. Leave a comment below if you would like to be added to the email list. I will remove your comment once we have added your name to the list. Have a wonderful week!!!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Bishop'e Storehouse Assignment

I know that this is last minute but if any of you would like help, we have a Bishop's Storehouse Assignment 
Tuesday, August 30 from 1-8pm
I know that this is a long time but there is a greater need amongst the members of the church and the Bishop's Storehouse has extended the hours to meet that need. If you can only offer a few hours please let us know and we can try to split up into shifts. 

We are in need of 8 volunteers. So far none have volunteered, that I know of. 

I would be willing to babysit and pick up any children from school, just ask :).

5th Sunday Lesson

Sorry for getting this up so late, all those dirty diapers and dirty dishes got in the way. :) These are a few of the things that Bishop K shared with us during our 5th Sunday lesson in July. Brother S, also shared a little piece of his life and his heart with us. I encourage you to ask him to share that life experience and testimony with you too. Enjoy. :)
Arlington 5th Ward Vision
  • YM advancing in priesthood, receiving their endowment, and serving full time missions
  • YW being prepared to strengthen home and family and receive the blessings of the temple
  • All endowed members of the ward placing greater emphasis on temple attendance and those members not yet endowed attending to it with “great earnestness”
  • Arlington 5th ward growing in numbers and in spirit  - goal:160 members in sacrament meeting by end of year and then progress from there
Arlington 5th Vision Statement 
(things that will help us achieve our vision)
  1. Increase Charity 
  2. Visit those who are less active, discover their needs and do your best to fulfill them.
  3. Increase Temple attendance and Temple Work 
    • “there will be a time when the only way you can get through your life is when you attend the temple”
  1. Pray for missionary experiences
  2. 8 convert Baptisms and help fellowship and reactivate 5 families of the ward
    • How can we do this?
      • Pray BY NAME
      • Study the Scriptures 
      • Have Family Home Evening
First Presidency Message, 

Commitment is a little like diving into the water. Either you are committed or you are not. Either you are moving forward or you are standing still. There’s no halfway. We all face moments of decision that change the rest of our lives. As members of the Church, we must ask ourselves, “Will I dive in or just stand at the edge? Will I step forward or merely test the temperature of the water with my toes?”

Those who are only sort of committed may expect to only sort of receive the blessings of testimony, joy, and peace. The windows of heaven might only be sort of open to them.

Those who only intend to commit may find excuses at every turn. Those who truly commit face their challenges squarely and say to themselves, “Yes, that would be a very good reason to delay, but I made covenants, and so I will do what I have committed to do.” They search the scriptures and earnestly seek the guidance of their Father in Heaven. They accept and magnify their Church callings. They attend their meetings. They do their home or visiting teaching.

As members of The Church of  Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we have committed to walk in the path of discipleship. We have committed to follow the example of our Savior. Imagine how the world will be blessed and transformed for good when all members of the Lord’s Church live up to their true potential—converted in the depth of their souls and committed to building the kingdom of God.

I hope we can all align our vision with that of our ward leaders, thereby keeping our eye single to the glory of God. I believe that any goals that remind us that we are all God's children and that everyone should and can attain the blessings and privileges that are acquired when acting upon our knowledge and testimonies. We can do this Sisters. I just know it! 

    Friday, August 26, 2011

    Saturday FUN!!!

    Have you ever wished that you could attend an activity where you actually got to have conversation that didn't include, "SIT down or we're going home right now!" " Don't touch that!", "You can't jump off there!" Well, ladies this is the activity for you. Activities are planned for all ages and delicious food will be provided. Hope to see you there.

    Thursday, August 18, 2011

    Ward Temple Night

    Arlington 5th Ward Temple Night 
    Saturday, August 20th
     Please be dressed and ready by 6pm. 

    Find yourself a babysitter and get to the temple! Come on now, no excuses. :) 

    Sunday, August 14, 2011


     While serving in the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, Elder Gordon B. Hinckley counseled:

    “I know of no single practice that will have a more salutary effect upon your lives than the practice of kneeling together as you begin and close each day. Somehow the little storms that seem to afflict every marriage are dissipated when, kneeling before the Lord, you thank him for one another, in the presence of one another, and then together invoke his blessings upon your lives, your home, your loved ones, and your dreams.
    “God then will be your partner, and your daily conversations with him will bring peace into your hearts and a joy into your lives that can come from no other source. Your companionship will sweeten through the years; your love will strengthen. Your appreciation for one another will grow” (in Conference Report, Apr. 1971, 83; or Ensign, June 1971, 72).
    As Sisters in the Arlington 5th Relief Society we have been asked by our leaders to pray with our spouses and families both day and night. If you are already doing so, we rejoice with you, and ask that you take this challenge and refine what you have already implemented in your daily lives. We know that the Lord will bless each of us when we make the commitment and time to converse with Our Lord and Savior. Go forward with faith my lovely sisters.

    Monday, August 08, 2011

    Appreciating Our Pioneer Heritage with a Modern Day Twist

    Randall’s Famous 
    Honey Wheat Bread
    (provided by BE)

    1  3/4 cups
    VERY warm Water

    3/8 tsp.

    2  1/2 cups
    Wheat Flour

    1/2 tsp

    1/8 cup

    3 cups

    3/4 Tbsp
    instant yeast

    Pre-heat over  to 350 degrees
        Combine ALL ingredients EXCEPT white flour. Add ONE scoop of white flour at a time until the dough forms into a soft ball in the middle of the mixer and pulls away from the sides. Knead about until dough is soft. It will be sticky and stick to your fingers. 

        Remove ALL dough and place in large bowl with glop of oil in the bottom. Once ALL dough is in the large bowl turn dough over so oily side is up. Cover with greased foil -just lightly cover. 
    When double in size, divide dough in 1/2 and 1/2 again till you have four equal dough balls. Knead lightly and place in greased bread pan. Tuck all corners under and lightly oil top of bread with oiled hands. 
         Let rise till almost double, about 30 minutes and then place in oven at 350 degrees.You can cover the loaves the last 15 minutes of cooking to avoid excessive browning. 

    Canning Butter 
    (provided by R H)
    Here’s how I can butter for an alternative way of storing it. I found the “recipe” from the End Times Report. 
    4 lbs Salted Butter (I like to 1 stick of salted butter for every 2 sick without Salt)
    1 Stainless Steel Pot 
    4 or 5 Pint Size Canning Jars 
    Wash jars and lids before hand, this time I used a dishwasher. Then place the jars in the oven at 250 degrees for 30 minutes. The lids and rings go into simmering water until ready to use.
    While the jars are heating, melt butter slowly until it comes to a slow boil. Using a large spatula, stir the bottom of the pot often to keep the butter from scorching. Reduce heat and simmer for 5-10 minutes at least. 
    Stir the melted butter from the bottom to the top with a soup ladle or small pot with a handle, pour the melted butter carefully into heated jars through a funnel. Leave 3/4" of head space in the jar, which allows room for the shaking process.
    Carefully wipe off the top of the jars, then get a hot lid from the simmering water, add the lid and ring and tighten securely. Lids will seal as they cool. Once a few lids "ping," Use a towel or something to hold jar and shake them ever 5 minutes, while the jars are still warm, but cool enough to handle easily, because the butter will separate and become foamy on top and white on the bottom. In a few minutes, shake again, and repeat until the butter retains the same consistency throughout the jar.
    At this point, while still slightly warm, put the jars into a refrigerator. While cooling and hardening, shake again, and the melted butter will then look like butter and become firm. This final shaking is very important! Check every 5 minutes and give the jars a little shake until they are hardened in the jar! Leave in the refrigerator for an hour.
    Canned butter should store for 3-5 years or longer on a cool, dark shelf. Canned butter does not "melt" again when opened, so it does not need to be refrigerated upon opening, provided it is used within a reasonable length of time.

    Strawberry Freezer Jam 

    Provided by S B
    Makes about 5 (8 oz) half pints
    1-1/2 cups sugar
    5 Tbsp Ball® RealFruit™ Instant Pectin 
    4 cups crushed strawberries (about 4 1-lb containers)
    5 Plastic Ball® (8 oz) Freezer Jars 
    1.) STIR sugar and instant pectin in a bowl until well blended. 
    2.) ADD strawberries. Stir 3 minutes. 
    3.) LADLE jam into clean jars to fill line. Twist on lids. Let stand until thickened, about 30 minutes. Refrigerate up to 3 weeks or freeze up to 1 year. 
    Small Batch Peach Freezer Jam 
    Provided by S B
    Makes about 3 (8 oz) half pints
    2/3 cups sugar
    2 Tbsp Ball® RealFruit™ Instant Pectin 
    1-2/3 cups crushed or finely chopped peaches 
    3 Plastic Ball® (8 oz) Freezer Jars 
    1.) STIR sugar and instant pectin in a bowl until well blended. 
    2.) ADD peaches. Stir 3 minutes. 
    3.) LADLE jam into clean jars to fill line. Twist on lids. Let stand until thickened, about 30 minutes. Refrigerate up to 3 weeks or freeze up to 1 year. 

    Monday, June 20, 2011

    Open House

    The Perry family wanted to share the good news as they are excited to announce the addition of two new arrivals!
     Kevin, age 18 and Antony, age 16
    Please join them in an Open House celebration on Saturday, June 25th 6-9pm @ their home
    We are so excited for them and hope to see everyone there :)

    Sunday, June 19, 2011

    SUPER Saturday

    So, here's an "all call" requesting ideas for a

    Super Saturday event to be held in the fall.

    What do you want to make? What do you 

    want to learn?

    Thank you,


    Monday, June 06, 2011

    Ward Choir

    Greetings to everyone,

    You are receiving this email because you (and/or someone else in your household) indicated an interest in singing with the Ward choir. Thank you very much for your interest; I hope you will enjoy your participation in our efforts.
     Very few people expressed a preference for a particular practice time—those that did just said “sometime on Sunday.” In that case, I believe the best time (least likely to conflict with another Ward) would be before our meetings.

    Choir practice will start at 8:30 on Sunday mornings and finish in about 15-20 minutes.

    I would like the choir to be ready to perform “My Country, ‘Tis of Thee” on 3 July. Due to the short amount of time to prepare, we will sing the hymn book version with minor variations. Everyone should know/learn the melody in addition to their part (SATB). I would also like for the sopranos to learn the alto part.
     Because of the short length of our practices, it will probably be necessary to have “self study” sessions during the week for more complicated pieces. To make this easier, I plan to make music (piano accompaniment and parts) available for your use in individual practice. For example, the following links are to a song I would like the choir to perform someday—it is one of my goals. It will require good participation in every choir section to be successful. At any rate, you can get an idea of what I would like to provide to each choir member to help you practice on your own. The sheet music is in the pdf file. One of the mp3 files is the piano accompaniment only, and the other has the piano in addition to each choir voice (SATB) as a different instrument. (The zip file is there so that you can download all the files to your own computer, if you wish.)

    Finally, if any of you are interested in preparing and performing a solo or something with a group, please let me know so that I can include it in my planning for the Sacrament meeting songs.
    Thanks for your interest in and support of the choir.

     Brother VB