Sunday, August 23, 2009

How this works.

Hi!  We are so excited to get this blog going.  If you want to comment you can click on the comment link within the post.  Then you can type your post and add your name.  There are several options for adding your name.  There is a list of account options that you can use.  If you don't have one of those accounts you can post using the annoymous option.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Book Club- September

Book Club will be on Thursday September 3rd at 7pm. JW is heading up this group. She will be having it at her home that night. This one is a free for all. Everyone is reading whatever they want and then they will discuss it that night. If you have not read anything, please feel free to come. This is the perfect time to get involved with Book Club! They will be deciding the book at this meeting so you can jump right in. It is a good time to chat and enjoy each other friendships!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

How this works.

Ok, we have come up with some groups that we hope will bring us togethor, learn some new skills, have fun, and feel uplifted. We want everyone to find a group that works for them, several if you want. If you want a specific group that you don't see, let me know and we can come up with something. We have set up a schedule so that it is not overwhelming to those who want to attend several groups. Here is the basic schedule, there will be more specific information for each group.

Weekly groups-
Family History

Month #1 (starting in September)
1st Thursday Book Club
3rd Thursday Cooking

Month #2 (October)
1st weekend Girls Night Out
3rd Thursday Crafty Group

Month 1 and Month 2 take turns so that everyone can join more than 1 group and still have a life :) . Month 1 groups are on the odd months and Month 2 groups are on the even months. If you have any questions let me know!

Cooking Group- September

We are so excited to announce that we are having a cooking group! SB is heading this group up. The first meeting we are going to have a recipe swap. Please bring a fav recipe and copies of the recipe to pass around. We will be meeting at S's house at 7pm on Thursday September 17th. (Don't feel like you have to bring your souffle that night, let be real and keep it simple :) unless you really want to bring it and then I am fine with that. If you can't bring anything, we still want you to come.) We want to get your feedback as to what you want to learn and do so bring some good ideas with you too and be prepared to have fun!

Playgroup- September Schedule

We are starting a playgroup! It will be held every Friday at 10:30 until the kids melt down :) . SW is heading up this group so if you have any questions let her know. Here is the schedule for September:

Sept. 4 - Lonesome Dove/Misenheimer Park 10:30
201 E. Lonesome Dove Trail

Sept. 11 - Story Time at Southeast Branch Library 10:30
900 SE Green Oaks BLVD.

Sept. 18 - Katherine Rose Memorial Park 10:30
303 N. Walnut Creek Dr.

Sept. 25 - Parks Mall Indoor play area 10:30
3811 S. Cooper St. (first level next to skating rink)

Family History Group

We are starting a Family History Group that will be meeting every Wednesday at the Family History Center from 10am-noon. BL will be heading up this group. This will be a great time to get help if you are at a point where you are stuck, you just don't know where to begin, or you need a dedicated time to do Family History with other sisters in the ward. If you have any question ask B. She is glad to help!

How this works.

You can come to the blog and see updates on the Relief Society groups, Enrichment, and other Relief Society news. If you want to know what a specific group is doing look under the label section. Each group will be labeled so that you can easily find the most up to date information. We hope this helps get you informed!

PS- For some reason I can not get the tabs at the top to work. Not sure what is going on. I can't erase them either.