Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Let Our Voices Be Heard

"If we do not make good choices, the media can devastate our families and pull our children away from the narrow gospel path."  ~M Russell Ballard

For those of you who were unable to be in our combined meeting this past Sunday we would like to share with you some counsel given to us by our Bishop and his counselors. 

1.  Read the manual Let Virtue Garnish Thy Thoughts

2.  Review the 

3.  Discuss the information found in the manual and on the website with your spouse 

4.  Discuss the information found in the manual and on the website with your families
  • "The first thing that parents have to realize as they begin having this conversation with their kids is that this is not a one time “talk” that will occur in an evening or at dinner.  Many people that I have talked to have described their experience of having the one time “talk” with their parents.  One young man shared that his father took him on a long walk when he was twelve years old and that when the walk ended he never heard anything about sex or pornography again.  He told me “I was in shock!  My dad talked for 2 hours about things I had never heard of before.”   The result was that the boy took all of the confusing information his father gave him and did two things: 1. He asked his friends about it.  He shared that this confused him more than before because it was clear that many of his friends were as ignorant as he was.  2. He went to the internet and looked things up.  This boys World Wide Web inquiry began innocently enough, but that day it ended in an exposure to pornography that created a hunger that developed into a full fledged addiction.  Periodically having this discussion with your son or daughter provides room for them to sort through confusing information and experiences, and it also ensures that the parent is the person who gives the most accurate, safe information. " Jeffery F Ford, Creating a Safe Place to Talk About Dangerous Things
  • We are charged to safeguard our children

5.  Please Read

Sisters, for those of us who were blessed to be in that room I'm sure that all could testify of the strong spirit that was there, testifying to us that the time to act is now. I am truly grateful for all of the support that we receive through and by the church to help us rear our children in righteousness. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to speak with any of our leaders. Go forward with faith, my sisters.

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