
Presidency Message
By: Sister VB

For me, the lesson to be learned from the Parable of the 10 Virgins (Matthew 25:1-13) is that we must each fill our own lamps one drop of oil at a time and that, at the coming of the Bridegroom, we can’t borrow from or share oil with others. I feel that the activities of the last 2 weeks have helped me put drops of oil in my lamp.
One Saturday night, I received precious drops of oil as I watched the sisters of the 1st ward share a musical production: The Parable of the 10 Virgins. Later, our lamps were added to as we listened to counsel from the General Relief Society presidency and the wonderful words of President Uchtdorf. I left that meeting feeling spiritually fed.
The good feelings carried over to Sunday with meetings that were inspiring, concluding with a spiritual session led by Bishop K. reminding us to let “virtue garnish our thoughts unceasingly.” (D&C 121:45)
Next came conference weekend and the opportunity to add many more drops of oil as I listened to a prophet and apostles testifying of Christ’s life and mission.
So, now the challenge is to continue to add drops of oil, perhaps having to replace oil that I lose through carelessness or disobedience. I must add oil by doing daily the things I know will help me. Prayer, both alone and with my sweet husband, scripture study to learn the Lord’s commandments, service to others, and trying to magnify my calling are a few of the ways I can add oil each day.
Sisters, I love you and pray that each of us will take time each day to fill our lamps with precious drops of oil so, even as the Bridegroom tarries, we will be prepared.

Visiting Teaching Message

Julie B. Beck, Relief Society General President, said: Latter-day Saint women who recognize that their strength comes from the Lord’s Atonement do not give up during difficult and discouraging times. As covenant keepers, we excel at upholding, nurturing, and protecting children and youth so that one day we might say of this rising generation, “Never had I seen so great courage, nay, not amongst all” (Alma 56:45).

Mark Your Calendar

October 15th – Ward Temple Night 6:30 PM

October 22nd – Super Saturday!

Play group – every Friday location
TBA each week by email.

November 6th – Stake Conference