Sunday, August 28, 2011

5th Sunday Lesson

Sorry for getting this up so late, all those dirty diapers and dirty dishes got in the way. :) These are a few of the things that Bishop K shared with us during our 5th Sunday lesson in July. Brother S, also shared a little piece of his life and his heart with us. I encourage you to ask him to share that life experience and testimony with you too. Enjoy. :)
Arlington 5th Ward Vision
  • YM advancing in priesthood, receiving their endowment, and serving full time missions
  • YW being prepared to strengthen home and family and receive the blessings of the temple
  • All endowed members of the ward placing greater emphasis on temple attendance and those members not yet endowed attending to it with “great earnestness”
  • Arlington 5th ward growing in numbers and in spirit  - goal:160 members in sacrament meeting by end of year and then progress from there
Arlington 5th Vision Statement 
(things that will help us achieve our vision)
  1. Increase Charity 
  2. Visit those who are less active, discover their needs and do your best to fulfill them.
  3. Increase Temple attendance and Temple Work 
    • “there will be a time when the only way you can get through your life is when you attend the temple”
  1. Pray for missionary experiences
  2. 8 convert Baptisms and help fellowship and reactivate 5 families of the ward
    • How can we do this?
      • Pray BY NAME
      • Study the Scriptures 
      • Have Family Home Evening
First Presidency Message, 

Commitment is a little like diving into the water. Either you are committed or you are not. Either you are moving forward or you are standing still. There’s no halfway. We all face moments of decision that change the rest of our lives. As members of the Church, we must ask ourselves, “Will I dive in or just stand at the edge? Will I step forward or merely test the temperature of the water with my toes?”

Those who are only sort of committed may expect to only sort of receive the blessings of testimony, joy, and peace. The windows of heaven might only be sort of open to them.

Those who only intend to commit may find excuses at every turn. Those who truly commit face their challenges squarely and say to themselves, “Yes, that would be a very good reason to delay, but I made covenants, and so I will do what I have committed to do.” They search the scriptures and earnestly seek the guidance of their Father in Heaven. They accept and magnify their Church callings. They attend their meetings. They do their home or visiting teaching.

As members of The Church of  Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we have committed to walk in the path of discipleship. We have committed to follow the example of our Savior. Imagine how the world will be blessed and transformed for good when all members of the Lord’s Church live up to their true potential—converted in the depth of their souls and committed to building the kingdom of God.

I hope we can all align our vision with that of our ward leaders, thereby keeping our eye single to the glory of God. I believe that any goals that remind us that we are all God's children and that everyone should and can attain the blessings and privileges that are acquired when acting upon our knowledge and testimonies. We can do this Sisters. I just know it! 

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